Monday, July 25, 2011

Days without you baby.. Day 7

Day 7...

We set rules...
#1 don't tell if you....
#2 No lying
#3 Flirting with others is...
#4 No virtual cheating

# <3 

Days without you baby.. Day 6

Day 6...

I dream of you

zzZZzzZZzz (sleep all day)

Days without you baby.. Day 5

Day 5...

I remembered you refused me to attend the rally.
But I went anyway.

I still love you and I hope you still do too..
Safe & sound,
Your baby

I want yo hold your hands.

Days without you baby.. Day 4

Day 4...

You were there when I woke up. I smile all morning :)

Woot! Party time! I promised I won't drink much.. So I won't :D

But I missed your smile
I #likenothingelse but you
and #icantgoaday without you

Lots of love, from me, to you...

Days without you baby.. Day 3

Day 3
You made my day the 1st minute I woke up.
I thought it was a dream, but it wasn't.. It was you who I talked to.. I miss you <3
Make my heart skip a beat.

Days without you baby.. Day 2

Day 2
I waited in case you turn up... but you didn't. I miss you lots :(
Going for a proper breakfast
Couldn't sleep
I'm the man who can't be moved